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Bulletproof WODs
This new program will be used as a supplement to our CrossFit program. If you need more daily work, here it is. The overall focus is to increase endurance, grit, and pain tolerance. This program along with the current CrossFit program will send you to the next level of your fitness journey and make you bulletproof. Learn to enjoy the pain.

WOD 01
10 rounds for time of:
Farmer Carry, 70/53 lbs, 100 m
10 Ski Erg Calories
WOD 02
4 rounds, 6 mins each, for max reps of:
Run, 600 m
Double Dumbbell Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 50 ft
max reps in remaining time Row/Ski Erg Cals
Rest 4 mins
WOD 03
For Time: 3 Mile
*"Run slow to run fast" We will be building on the run. Try to stay comfortable. High zone 2 to low zone 3.
WOD 04
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